
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dear followers

Taking the time to say thank you very much. I know I havent been fair in keeping up with the blogs, I've been tied up in a lot with classes. I just want to take a moment and give a good shout out to my good friend...


He is the true fuel behind me if you would like to put it that way. He gave me the idea to start a blog, he has been a good mentor on how to create a blog and make it effective in reaching out to those who you want to target. He has been having so much fun with his blog. He has been my first follower and was the first to reach out and contact me. If you have any troubles at all with your blogs, please send him a PM or contact him. Not to mention his blog is fantastic, containing science fiction, horror, suspense, originality, interesting music reviews, and even video games.

In other words
Just a little information and pictures going around.


  1. Ahh MDMA, my favorite drug that I've never tried...

  2. Never done any drugs of any sort, but if I thought of one that I would probably try, X is at the top of that list, I suppose. Although I've heard that once you've fucked on X, you'll never want to fuck in a clear state of mind again...

  3. very interesting pics man

  4. When it comes to your post, GTL can also stand for "Great Thoughts at Length"... keep it up!

  5. haha i like the background... pacmans gonan have a fun night lol

  6. You've made some interesting points... I also have some points (actually bubbles) on Enhanced by MS Paint :)

  7. I say no to drugs, but that comic is hilarious XD

  8. I've always wanted to do LSD. Settled for shrooms. It was fun but I know its a different experience.

  9. I found your blog through his. Keep up the good work, man!

  10. very nice bro i love the pics

  11. this blog makes me want to take illegal narcotics

  12. Man I love a good bake sesh. As well as a good roll sesh. This blog fits my interests :)

  13. this post is really beautiful

  14. that is really interesting

  15. canabis?:)) hmmm i prefered marijuana :P i am joke
